Website Evaluation

One thing that I liked about my website was I had a dark background picture (the camera lens), but have a bright banner and logo to contrast it. Also as you scroll down the page gets brighter and brighter, then goes back to dark at the bottom. I think this will be effective as my website and myself come across professional, but as you go down you see that it’s not all 100% serious.

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Another part that I like is that in my ‘About Me’ I was able to put a picture of myself on, which I think made it that bit more personal. A lot of sites have such big companies and teams you don’t even know if you’d be emailing the person you’d be working with. However, the website inspired me to want to put a picture of myself on, so you know who you’ll be meeting. Another part I like is my contact section. Putting it at the bottom of my website means that when someone has been through my website, read about me, watched my videos, they can simply contact me at the end.

However, a part about my website that I’m not too keen on is that, looking at another website of someone in my class (, one thing that I wished I’d done was make my tabs open on different pages instead of all on one, as I think it looks much more professional than having it all together. One thing I also wish I did was include more pictures like he did. I think it makes it very aesthetically appealing to the viewers if you match to a certain theme.

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Another thing I think I could’ve done was make my thumbnails for my YouTube videos more appealing. Or just use related pictures and then have the link connected to them. I also could’ve had better transitions to the next video, and had the thumbnails bigger. I think having default thumbnails made me less confident to make that section bigger. A further part I’d want to improve would be to make my anchors more useful if I did keep it all on one page. By this I mean I would make the section fit the whole screen as I think this looks better than having some of the next section still visible.

If I were to make my website again, my first priority would be to make all the sections of the tab open on different pages, not all on one. This is because I think it makes it better visually as well as being much less confusing to understand. I would also pick a more aestheically pleasing colour theme to stick to, like the example website. I think it looks more clean to have blacks, white and greys. However, I would still want my pictures, logos and some parts to be brightly coloured. I would also change my ‘portfolio’ section as I think I should make this a lot more eye-catching, as it’s what my clients will most likely be focusing on. If they’re not intrigued to my previous work they won’t look at it, and as a result probably won’t want to hire me.



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