Week 6 of FMP

What week:


What did I do this week?

This week we had our first rehearsal with our actors.

Were there any problems faced?

At the beginning of our rehearsal we weren’t really sure what to do. We went through the script a few times, this being their first time reading it. It took us a while to feel comfortable directing them, and by the time we had a break we were doing well. Also, during the break the actors learnt some of their lines, meaning we could move on quite quickly.

Did I learn anything new?

I learnt how to direct actors and help them learn lines. The actors would do ‘speed runs’ to quickly go over their lines. Also, they would rehearse their lines and give us the scripts to correct them. This will be useful for us to do when we’re on Dartmoor, as they could forget easily.

What did I improve on?

I now understand some ways to rehearse with our actors. Also, now I know our actors a bit better I think our next rehearsal will be even better.

What could I improve on?

For our next rehearsal we could think about what methods we use for rehearsing

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