Week 5 of FMP

What week:


What did I do this week?

This week we handed in our second draft of the script, but had to miss our first rehearsal

Were there any problems faced?

Our main problem was that there were two snow days; Monday and Tuesday, with our first rehearsal, and properly meeting our actors being on Monday. This was of course nobody’s fault, but really let us down as we only have 3 rehearsals all together, so we really needed anything we could get.

Did I learn anything new?

We learnt how to overcome the problem just by learning from the inconvenience and therefore planning our next rehearsal to make sure it would be as successful and didn’t waste anymore time.

What did I improve on?

I improved on my problem solving skills by communicating with my group on our day off to work out how to manage our time.

What could I improve on?

Something I could’ve done would be make sure we communicate with our actors to talk about what we were doing.

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