Week 2 of FMP

What week:


What did I do this week?

This week I presented my pitch to the class and got feedback for my idea.  I also finished off my proposal and presented that to the class too.

Were there any problems faced?

My main problem I faced was getting up in front of the class to present. I’ve never enjoyed presenting anyway, but doing it on my own was something I hadn’t had to do in a very long time. I was very worried I’d mess up and explain my idea wrong, potentially ruining my chance of my idea being chosen.

Did I learn anything new?

I learnt that presenting isn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I realised that because I was prepared I felt much more comfortable. Other people in the class didn’t have a presentation, which either made them talk for too long, or forget what they had to say at all.

What did I improve on?

I think my confidence improved in terms of presenting, as I realised it wasn’t that bad, especially as I know everyone in my class.  From my individual pitch, I wasn’t even that nervous to present my proposal to the class a few days after.

What could I improve on?

I found out that on my proposal I had misunderstood one of the sections, so I could improve by staying more focused and paying more attention at all times in lesson.

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