Week 1 of FMP

What week:


What did I do this week?

This week we were introduced to our Final Major Project (Dartmoor). This week was based around idea generation for our individual scripts. We also learnt about pitching and how to produce a successful pitch, and began our presentations.

Were there any problems faced?

I wasn’t sure what my idea would be. In the end I thought of a lot of ideas, but wasn’t 100% on what I wanted to do, and wasn’t completely confident in any of them. In the end I spoke to my teacher about my most recent idea, that I ended up choosing. I think that I need someone else to confirm my ideas for me to feel more comfortable talking about them.

Did I learn anything new?

I learnt about pitches, and how to pitch well, and also about idea generation. My approach was to come up with lots of ideas, and bouncing off them, rather than just picking one and trying to develop it. I think this is easier for me. I also learnt about the formatting of scripts.

What did I improve on?

I think I improved my idea generation skills, as I’ve not always been very creative and have normally left it to other people to do this part of film making. I think this week made me explore how fun it can really be to be creative.

What could I improve on?

I think my next step would be to improve my confidence in my own ideas, and get better at communicating them. I can see my own ideas perfectly in my head, but I need to improve how I put them across to other people without going off track, or not being detailed enough.

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