Covering Letter

BBC London

Broadcasting House
Egton Wing

 10th of January

 Dear Sir/Madam,

The role I am applying for is the trainee on the ‘Production Scheme’. I found this traineeship through my college tutors who told us about it in class. I’d be available to work at any time, but I would need roughly a month to arrange things such as accommodation and travel.

I’m interested in this traineeship as I am very passionate about film, and how they’re made and making them myself. I think this traineeship would be very beneficial for me as I’d like to explore different roles of the industry in a professional environment. I find your company very intriguing as the BBC, being the biggest entertainment company in the UK, can provide so many opportunities to help me develop and learn.

One of the key skills that I have is the ability to listen to others and being willing to learn. I think that this will be helpful with this traineeship as everyday I will be excited to learn different areas and trades of the industry. I am also very ambitious, and that mixed with my excitement of learning I think will make me an asset to the company. Another strength I have is I am creative and can have a ‘fresher’ look on things. I have practised this skill many times throughout college, coming up with ideas for various types of video. Furthermore, I have the desire to work in a busy, fast-paced environment. Throughout college my deadlines and times to finish units have been very quick, and I’ve realised that I work a lot better when under pressure, as it brings out the best of my abilities. In my CV it can probably be noticed that I’ve had no experience in film production outside of college, and this is because I put all my effort into college projects as they are very demanding and require a lot of my time. However, I do not see this as a negative, as college has helped me develop not only my film skills, but confidence and teamwork skills, which will help me working in the industry.

There are no dates I won’t be able to make for meeting or interview, but I would need about a week’s notice to arrange travel or accommodation. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

Eve Chester





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