Roles and Responsibilities

Filmic Remake

Our first task was our filmic remake, when we remade a scene from The Shining. I had a few roles for this production, with me being the producer. This meant I helped the director and organised things before hand, and decided when we should film when we overran our time. Also, on the set I was the main sound recordist for the video. I was also the casting director, and I only had to cast one person as someone in our group wanted to play Jack. I had to contact the actress and make sure the times were okay, what she’d be wearing etc. Also, I was in charge of costumes and wardrobe, with help from someone else in the group as he had a lot of the props and costume already. In terms of pre-production, I did my own treatment, the costume list and the call sheet.


The next video we did was our Nike SB advert. On set I mostly shared the roles of camerawork and directing with someone else in the group. For the advert I also did the editing afterwards. Also, I did the location recce for the college, and the risk assessment for the college, from the entrance up to the classroom. I also had to do the production schedule.

Music Video

For the music video I did  a large portion of the filming, and set up lighting and equipment on set to try and make the shots look as good as possible. I would also say I helped with directing a bit, such as when we should film certain shots and when coming up with ideas to improve the video. Also, I edited the video after, with someone else in the group. In terms of pre-production, I did the production schedule and the filming schedule. I also wrote the treatment.

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