Eve Chester

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Although being able to work well in a team and listen to others, I am also very good at working independently and communicating with other people, whether it’s staff or customers. I also think I am good in stressful situations and am able to calm people down and carry on working even if it seems difficult. I also always try to push myself for the best results possible.


Ascot House Hotel,  Torquay- General Assistant


  • Serving breakfast to the guests and tidying up the dining room
  • Interacting with guests and ensuring they’re satisfied
  • Helping in the kitchen with dishes and making drinks
  • Cleaning the bedrooms and hotel

Redhouse Hotel, Torquay- General Assistant


  • Cleaning various parts of the hotel
  • Helping guests using the facilities
  • Serving food and drink to guests

Southernwood Nursery, Torquay – Childcarer


  • Supervising the children at break time
  • Playing and interacting with the children
  • Helping during lunch time, such as giving out food


St Cuthbert Mayne, Torquay – GCSE’s

SEPTEMBER 2012 – JULY 2017

I attended St Cuthbert Mayne for my full 5 years and got 10 GCSEs whilst being there.

GCSES Results:

Subject Grade
English Language 7 (A)
English Literature 6 (A)
Mathematics 5 (C)
Core Science B
Additional Science A
Spanish A
History B
Child Development B
Citizenship B
Religious Education B


South Devon College, Paignton- Level 3 Media – Film and Television

SEPTEMBER 2017 – JULY 2019

On this two year course I am studying different types of film, such as advertising and marketing and music based film. I think this course will help me in the workplace as I develop leadership qualities whilst doing my practicals at college, whilst also always working in a team.


Ten Tors 2015 – I completed the 35 miles Ten Tors challenge in 2015, when I was 14 years old. I am still very proud of this achievement as I really feel I had to push myself but didn’t give up for the duration of training and the event.

Paignton Rugby Club – I am playing in my third season of rugby, and for the past two seasons I have gotten awards for participation and achievement. I think rugby helps me as it has developed my leadership skills, as the position I play requires a lot of communication and instruction from my part.

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