Week 11 (20/11)

This week I finished writing about my progression routes and posted them on my blog, which I think were laid out clearly and informative. Also, for my unit 3 I had to write about the professional practise skills. We were then told about our evaluation that had to be finished by Friday, and me and someone else in my group created our presentation and prepared the questions we would ask to assist us in evaluating our final piece.

On Tuesday we then presented our advert to the class and got feedback back from the audience we showed it to. This made me feel very proud of my advert as after all the work I’d put in people were praising our work and saying what they enjoyed about it. From my feedback I wrote my evaluation which I found quite hard as I didn’t do the research myself so had to think about quite a bit to understand. However, the feedback we received made the questions about how successful it was a lot easier.

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