PR: Training Opportunities

  • Training Opportunities – big companies (eg BBC), or even small local ones (eg Pro Direct) providing training for different sectors, such as lighting or sound, or maybe even an overall view of the industry.

The Traineeship Route

In the film industry training schemes are usually for amateur, but not completely beginner filmmakers/producers etc. The schemes are usually quite general, such as just ‘film production’, as training schemes usually aim to cover lots of ground. A surprising amount of ‘big’ companies in the UK offer training schemes, such the BBC. The BBC offer traineeships in three different sectors; journalism, technology and production, along with different apprenticeships across the UK. As an example, the BBC training scheme is an 11-month contract, with the trainee being paid £20,800 per year plus an allowance of £4,560 for those based in London.




Positives of a training scheme:

  • Hands-on experience
  • You don’t need a massive portfolio or lots of experience as they like to teach people early on in their careers
  • It can be a good step straight into the work place if you are very successful
  • You get paid for it (especially with the BBC, who pay for living and travel expenses also)
  • Working with big and professional companies looks very good on a CV

Negatives of a training scheme:

  • It is very competitive and difficult to get into
  • Can raise financial problems depending on who is training you
  • Can be considered being thrown in at the deep end, as the expectations are very high
  • You’re not guaranteed a job in the company afterwards, especially the bigger the company
  • Some future jobs may want more educational experience (eg college or degrees)
  • You may have to move away or leave your stable education/job

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