Week 9 (06/11)

This week was our shooting week, as we shot on Monday and did one shot on the Tuesday. We began at college and almost filmed our shots backwards, else we’d be waiting time coming to and from college in one day. I think overall our shoot went well as we got some good shots, that were good footage to edit with, such as we waited a while before cutting the camera to provide more editing time. However, a negative of our shooting was we couldn’t shoot all of our shots we intended as we didn’t have the right equipment to do so. An example was when we wanted to run with the camera, but we only had a fig rig, but needed a gimbal to really make it look good enough to use. Also, as work had not been completed or seen by the group from the week before, it did create one difficulties, such as what order things were happening in and what to use etc.

We also started editing this week, that me and Olli did together, which ran quite smoothly. I think we worked well together as we both had a similar idea of how we wanted the advert to unfold. We had already previously picked a song as a group before we even filmed, so I think this helped us as we didn’t have to worry about the audio side of the advert and could just get on with what was in front of us. Also whilst filming, we decided to try something new; using a mask for our transition. This was a challenge for us and took a few tries to get it how we wanted, which was a good experience, as I hadn’t really challenged myself in terms of editing before. Another challenge we had was the song, and syncing it. This was difficult as the lyrics made it quite hard to cut and move around, but we did it in the end.


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