Source BMX Advert Treatment

Title: Source BMX Advertisement

Duration: 0 minutes and 30 seconds

The advert begins with a BMX rider in their house, getting ready to go out and ride with their bike with their friend. As they are waiting their other friend rides past on their BMX and rider 1 quickly gets on their bike and follows. The rest of the advert is the camera following the two riders through their town showing them doing various tricks and generally cruising around. The target audience is males aged between 15-25, who live in the UK. The music and quick editing of the video will be based towards this group. The characters of two good friends riding together will be relatable to a lot of BMX riders as a lot of them do it because of the social aspect of riding a bike with people. It will be set in the present day as I want to make it as effective as possible by making it relatable. As well as using relatable features to make the advert successful I am using characters to aspire to, perhaps for people who don’t already ride BMX. I will do this by having these two riders have a good relationship for already-riders to aspire to and have them doing tricks, that seem quite basic, so that non-riders could become interested. Also, as they are not professionals, people who already ride will feel it is easier to aspire to.

The majority of this advert will be shot outside, as it is catered more towards street BMX riders. It will begin inside a house, then the two riders will work there way through different locations and riding spots. As a lot of it is being shot outside, there will have to be extra precautions for equipment being damaged, especially against things like rain and wind. The soundtrack for the advert will be a rock-style song as this has been previously used in other BMX adverts which have proved successful. In the editing process I would want it to be quick-paced editing, preferably to the music but that would depend on the type of mood the clips gave. For this particular project, audio from the actual footage isn’t that important. It will most likely be used, such as the sound of the tyres, chains etc, but the noise of the people in the scene won’t be necessary. Because of this, there wouldn’t be any use of a large audio system such as a boom mic and probably not a even a tascam, but simply something like a Rode mic. I think that the soundtrack is more important to the target audience as a lot of BMXers and people in this age range value music a lot and it could massively influence their opinion of the advert and brand.

In my opinion, whether this advert was done professionally or by amateurs, I don’t think it would cost too much compared to other brands. The main cost would be the bikes themselves, but we already have them to use, and riders who know how to use them. Also, a gimble or steadicam will most likely to be used to stabilise the footage. However, as we may be able to use a gimble, this means we could just use our phones to film, saving a lot of money overall. As we are using ‘normal’ riders, we wouldn’t have to worry about the large expenses of paying a professional to come and shoot. Also, as we are not travelling far, that will not cost too much. There are no props or makeup that are to be used, therefore this would also save us money and the effort of finding them for the shoot.

Sample of my Storyboard:

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