Week 3 (18/09)

This week we began our Filmic Remakes and were told what groups we were in, and my group was given ‘The Shining’. The scene was in the kitchen when Wendy is trying to lock Jack in the refrigerator. The first thing we did was watch the scene in class then we went home and watched the full film if we hadn’t already. After we had all fully watched the film we decided on our roles for making our scene. I was given the role of costume supervisor, makeup artist, actor supervisor and was given the task of being in charge of our audio for our film. We then started all of our paperwork.

As costume supervisor I wrote a list of what we needed for the shoot and discussed what everyone had and what would need to be bought. I also researched what makeup had to be used on a shoot and what would be effective. As the actor supervisor I asked a few actors I knew if they would be interested, however, it clashed too much with college and school times for them to be able to help us. Therefore, we asked a second year performing arts student to help us by acting as Wendy, and used someone in our group to play Jack. Most of the work we did this week was group work and therefore I didn’t do all of my work on my own, such as the risk assessment and the production schedule which we shared doing.



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